The Indian Lake High School/Ohio Hi-Point FFA Chapter celebrated strong leadership and considered perspective during their annual awards ceremony and banquet recently.
Before the awards, more than 200 FFA members, parents and others supporters from the local agricultural community gathered in the auxiliary gym for a meal together.
Then the ILHS/OHP FFA officers officially opened the meeting in the auditorium by recognizing several individuals and groups from the community that have helped them through the year by serving as members of the advisory board, assisting in their education or helping with fundraisers.
In her retirement address, outgoing Chapter President Allison Kinney talked about how being involved in FFA activities and classes has changed her perspective from often skeptical, to primarily positive these days. She says the program has opened her heart and mind to new opportunities for her future and she is grateful for the shift in her thinking.
A variety of awards were presented throughout the evening. Dozens of first-year FFA members earned their Greenhand Degrees. Many older students earned Chapter Degrees. Several students were recognized for excelling in state ag contests and on judging teams. A total of five members were applauded for earning their FFA State Degrees and ILHS alum Alexis Clem was honored for earning her American Degree. Finally, Triple K Farms was awarded an Honorary Degree for their longtime support of the ILHS/OHP FFA program.
Ag educator and FFA Advisor Tanner Schoen handed out special awards naming Outstanding Students in each grade level.
He said he is especially fond on this senior class given that they were part of his very first class on his very first day teaching at Indian Lake. He know they leave big shoes to fill.
Outstanding Students are:
Freshmen- Jack Cooper, Matt Culp, Kora Fulkerson, Alex Kinney and Carly Strayer
Sophomores- Elly Darling, Meya Karbowiak, Crosley Lacher and Elijah Wolf
Juniors- Annie Braig, Carlie Nickel, Molly Partington, Ava Shroyer and Seth Thornburgh
Outstanding Senior Awards- Stephanie Altstaetter, Colby Borgerding, Sierra DeWeese, Allison Kinney and Mark Wolf
At the conclusion of the banquet, the current team of officers announced newly elected leaders for the 2023-24 school year.
They are:
Student Advisor-Molly Partington
Sentinel- Elijah Wolf
Assistant Reporter-Carlie Nickel
Reporter- Ashlynn Biederman
Assistant Treasurer- Meya Karbowiak
Treasurer- Annie Braig
Assistant Secretary-Eva Carney
Secretary- Alex Kinney
Vice President- Ava Shroyer
President- Seth Thornburgh
Members of the Indian Lake High School/Ohio Hi Point FFA are becoming more confident in their abilities as leaders in agriculture.
They celebrated this year’s many accomplishments during their annual banquet held recently in the ILHS Main Gym.
After serving a meal, ILHS FFA officers officially opened the meeting. They recognized several individuals and groups from the community that have helped them through the year by serving as members of the advisory board, assisting in their education or helping with fundraisers.
State FFA Officer Philip Eberly gave the keynote address with a personal story about learning to use his voice as an advocate for agriculture and challenged others to do the same.
“I put all my confidence into perfection, when I should have been perfecting my confidence.”
The banquet continued with a variety of awards. A record forty, first year FFA members earned their Greenhand Degrees. Several students were recognized for participating and placing in state ag contests, including Allix Cotterman and Nikita Scheifele, who earned second in the state for their agriscience project. As the winner of the local speaking contest, Lexi Clem delivered the FFA Creed. Seniors Spencer Klauer and Kevin McLane were recognized for finishing fourth in the state in the Ag Power Diagnostic Contest.
Seniors Skylr Timbrook and Melanie Watkins were applauded for earning their FFA State Degrees. They were also named Outstanding FFA Students, along with Megan Keckler, Katie Dolan, Jacob King, Brittany Sturms, Nikita Scheifele and Lexi Clem. FFA Advisor Tanner Schoen told the crowd he is proud of the chapter’s recent accomplishments and is excited about cultivating the growing program in coming years.
At the conclusion of the banquet, the current team of officers announced elected leaders for the 2018-19 school year. They are:
Student Advisor- Jarrett Monroe
Sentinel- Jacob King
Reporter- Megan Keckler
Treasurer- Nikita Scheifele
Secretary- Jazzlynn Goings
Vice President- Brittany Sturms
President- Lexi Clem
Members of the Indian Lake High School/Ohio Hi Point FFA are becoming more confident in their abilities as leaders in agriculture.
They celebrated this year’s many accomplishments during their annual banquet held recently in the ILHS Main Gym.
After serving a meal, ILHS FFA officers officially opened the meeting. They recognized several individuals and groups from the community that have helped them through the year by serving as members of the advisory board, assisting in their education or helping with fundraisers.
State FFA Officer Philip Eberly gave the keynote address with a personal story about learning to use his voice as an advocate for agriculture and challenged others to do the same.
“I put all my confidence into perfection, when I should have been perfecting my confidence.”
The banquet continued with a variety of awards. A record forty, first year FFA members earned their Greenhand Degrees. Several students were recognized for participating and placing in state ag contests, including Allix Cotterman and Nikita Scheifele, who earned second in the state for their agriscience project. As the winner of the local speaking contest, Lexi Clem delivered the FFA Creed. Seniors Spencer Klauer and Kevin McLane were recognized for finishing fourth in the state in the Ag Power Diagnostic Contest.
Seniors Skylr Timbrook and Melanie Watkins were applauded for earning their FFA State Degrees. They were also named Outstanding FFA Students, along with Megan Keckler, Katie Dolan, Jacob King, Brittany Sturms, Nikita Scheifele and Lexi Clem. FFA Advisor Tanner Schoen told the crowd he is proud of the chapter’s recent accomplishments and is excited about cultivating the growing program in coming years.
At the conclusion of the banquet, the current team of officers announced elected leaders for the 2018-19 school year. They are:
Student Advisor- Jarrett Monroe
Sentinel- Jacob King
Reporter- Megan Keckler
Treasurer- Nikita Scheifele
Secretary- Jazzlynn Goings
Vice President- Brittany Sturms
President- Lexi Clem
Members of the Indian Lake High School/Ohio Hi Point FFA are becoming more confident in their abilities as leaders in agriculture.
They celebrated this year’s many accomplishments during their annual banquet held recently in the ILHS Main Gym.
After serving a meal, ILHS FFA officers officially opened the meeting. They recognized several individuals and groups from the community that have helped them through the year by serving as members of the advisory board, assisting in their education or helping with fundraisers.
State FFA Officer Philip Eberly gave the keynote address with a personal story about learning to use his voice as an advocate for agriculture and challenged others to do the same.
“I put all my confidence into perfection, when I should have been perfecting my confidence.”
The banquet continued with a variety of awards. A record forty, first year FFA members earned their Greenhand Degrees. Several students were recognized for participating and placing in state ag contests, including Allix Cotterman and Nikita Scheifele, who earned second in the state for their agriscience project. As the winner of the local speaking contest, Lexi Clem delivered the FFA Creed. Seniors Spencer Klauer and Kevin McLane were recognized for finishing fourth in the state in the Ag Power Diagnostic Contest.
Seniors Skylr Timbrook and Melanie Watkins were applauded for earning their FFA State Degrees. They were also named Outstanding FFA Students, along with Megan Keckler, Katie Dolan, Jacob King, Brittany Sturms, Nikita Scheifele and Lexi Clem. FFA Advisor Tanner Schoen told the crowd he is proud of the chapter’s recent accomplishments and is excited about cultivating the growing program in coming years.
At the conclusion of the banquet, the current team of officers announced elected leaders for the 2018-19 school year. They are:
Student Advisor- Jarrett Monroe
Sentinel- Jacob King
Reporter- Megan Keckler
Treasurer- Nikita Scheifele
Secretary- Jazzlynn Goings
Vice President- Brittany Sturms
President- Lexi Clem