Six longtime employees of the Indian Lake School District are retiring at the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year.
ILES Custodian Deb Anderson spent the past 27 years making sure the classrooms, halls and public spaces of Indian Lake Elementary and Huntsville Elementary School were sparkling clean!
She also worked as a substitute for 3 years. She was always working to remove shoe scuff marks on the polished floors. We will miss Deb's smiling face and busy feet! Enjoy your retirement!
Mrs. Jana Core taught fifth sixth and seventh grade over the course of 26 1/2 years. Mrs. Core was a Laker for her entire career!
Her favorite memories are the students completing Rube Goldberg projects. (A Rube Goldberg is a contraption that accomplishes a simple task in an elaborate way, transferring energy with several simple machines connected together to make a complex machine) She loved watching how they would work together to create and complete working projects in energy transformations.
Mrs. Core will be joining her husband, retired Washington Township Police Chief Rick Core, in retirement and she is excited for a grand baby coming in the fall! Congratulations!
Mrs. Tess Coughlin spent 20 years with Indian Lake Schools at ILES and at Lakeview Elementary. Before coming to IL, Mrs. Coughlin taught with Hamilton City Schools in her hometown of Hamilton, and Upper Arlington Schools in Columbus for a total teaching career of years 25. In those years, she taught first, second, third and fourth grades, but mostly third grade.
Mrs. Couglin says her favorite memory was playing to role of "Scuba Steve" in the Summer Reading Program alongside Fisherwoman Frieda. She also loved being in the Lakerettes with Mr. Basil and writing and performing in all the PBIS performances.
In retirement she plans to spend time with my grandchildren, first and foremost! She is excited to travel to Germany to visit my grand children there and her daughter, who is a civilian employee with Wright Patterson Air Force. In addition, she also has some creative juices flowing that may land some "LIKES" as a YOUTube influencer! (Tess has always been a performer at heart:)
She says, "I've enjoyed learning from my students the most important lessons in life: to look at life with the eyes of a child, smile often, to hope in things yet to come, and believe that with hard work, creativity, and dedication that you can achieve your dreams! My time as a public school teacher has been so rewarding and has given me the opportunity to meet and connect with so many beautiful beings that I carry forever in my heart." Enjoy!!
Aaron Dodds is hanging up his hat after 13 1/2 years with the district. He served as a bus driver and a bus mechanic. Mr. Dodds is so talented in the garage that he has saved the district much money over the years being able to fix buses that normally would have to be sent out for repairs. The bus garage crew even fixes buses for other districts at times! We will miss your skills!
Enjoy retirement, Mr. Dodds!
Mrs. Deb Hooley has worked at Indian Lake for 24 years. Mrs. Hooley began as an aide at the Lakeview building. Then the school bought a computer program for science and Math and created a computer lab where she worked. After that, she moved to a kindergarten aide and stayed in that position until now.
Mrs. Hooley has two fun favorite memories of her time at Indian Lake Schools. The first one was when kindergarten teacher Kate Beam got engaged. Her fiancé brought his family to school and proposed in front of the entire class. And the other favorite memory was when we passed the levy by one vote to build a new elementary!
In retirement, Hooley plans to spend time with her grandkids, help replace a barn on their property and take trips to Kentucky and Florida.
Mrs. Hooley says, "I want to say I really enjoyed my 24 years at Indian Lake--I can't imagine bring any place else!!"
Our final retiree is ILHS Family and Consumer Science teacher Mrs. Betty Kimball. Mrs. Kimball worked in technology for 15 years at the Delaware Area Career Center and served as a guest teacher at several Columbus area schools for 20 years. She has spent the last seven years of her career at Indian Lake Schools. Kimball taught Career Exploration in 7th grade and Family & Consumer Sciences, Business Management & Business Technology at ILHS.
Her favorite memories of being a Laker include the band playing in the hallways on Football Fridays, the Clap Outs for athletes and the people (students and staff) at Indian Lake Schools.
In retirement Kimball plans to put an emphasis on her person life and enjoy some traveling.
Congratulations to all of these retirees! We wish you all the best!!