Indian Lake students and their families gathered for the All District Open House event Monday evening. It was awesome to see so many smiling faces after summer break!
ILES students were able to visit classrooms, meet their teachers, chat with SRO Miller, drop off school supplies and more.
ILMS students received their schedules, visited teachers and classrooms, and picked up Chromebook.
ILHS students gathered with friends, figured out transportation, signed up for clubs, grabbed their schedules, found their lockers and visited with teachers.
Special thanks to everyone who came out and to Quest Community Church for handing out school supplies and hot dogs!
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 21st!
Indian Lake Schools will begin welcoming new students weekdays in August. Offices will be open from 8 am to 2 pm.
For registration, the following items are required: Immunization/shot records, Birth Certificate, Social Security Number, Custody Papers (if applicable) and Proof of Residency
The Indian Lake Schools All District Open House is Monday, August 19th.
Open House is 5:30-7 pm with a Kindergarten Orientation meeting starting at 5:00 in the gym. The ILES Office will be open for answering any questions.
Open House is 5:30-7 pm with a 5th grade Orientation Meeting in the gym at 5:15 pm for last names A-K and at 6 pm for last names L-Z. (If you have any questions or need to attend the later orientation because of work hours, please contact the ILMS Office at 1-937-686-8833)
Students may pick up schedules in the ILMS cafeteria and visit classrooms. The ILMS Office will be open for paying fees and answering any questions.
Open House will run from 5:30-7 pm, with a Senior Parent Meeting at 6:30 pm in the auditorium.
Students may pick up schedules and information on several clubs in the ILHS Cafeteria. Classrooms will be open to visit teachers and students may find and try out their lockers. Fees may be paid in the office.
ALL incoming 7th grade and 12th grade students in Ohio must have proof that they have the following immunizations:
* Students entering the 7th grade are required to have the Tdap vaccine and at least one dose of the meningococcal vaccine.