November Board of Education & 5-Year Forecast

November Board of Education & 5-Year Forecast
Posted on 11/19/2024
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Indian Lake Board of Education members got an encouraging financial update and they accepted a large donation during their regular November meeting.  
District Treasurer Coleen Reprogle presented the annual five-year forecast and Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood says Mrs. Reprogle is retiring with the district on solid financial footing. 
"Kudos to her on another job well done. She was able to predict with tremendous accuracy where we would be from a budgeting standpoint at this point in the year." Underwood continued, "The district is in good, strong financial standing right now, but we continue to monitor changes at the state level with state legislators considering tax reform. I'm really proud of this board of education and this admin team for continuing to steer us in the right direction and make good use of taxpayer monies."
In addition, members of the Indian Lake Music Boosters attended the meeting to present a $15,000 donation to the IL Music Department. Those funds will help cover new band uniforms, to replace the current ones that are about 15 years old. 
Board member Scott Staley gave a brief update on a social-emotional learning conference that he recently attended. He hopes to bring some of the SEL information and skills to the Indian Lake staff. 
Finally, board members accepted the retirement of 
elementary reading teacher Elaine Jacobs. She plans to retire at the end of the year with 33 years of service to Indian Lake Schools. 
The Indian Lake Board of Education will meet again on Monday, December 16th at 5 pm in the board office for their final regular meeting of 2024.