Lake Effect Day!

Lake Effect Day!
Posted on 05/08/2024
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Lake Effect DayCulture Playbook
The final Lake Effect Day of the year focused on listening skills and effective communication.

Students had fun decoding phrases that were spelled the way we say them, not necessarily
the way they normally appear in written form. Educators also shared stories of times in their lives when they were not a good listener and what happened as a result. Finally, classes revisited the How We Behave portion of the Laker Culture Playbook that describes being kind, showing others you care, see something-say something and helping to make others better. 

Show your Laker Pride on the final Lake Effect Day of the 2023-24 school year!
Wednesday, May 8th is the last Lake Effect Day. The lesson focuses on the importance of communication and listening skills to be successful. The theme is Be Laker Proud and wear your Laker gear. 

The recent Lake Effect lesson had students learning to do something new! Several students wore green
🍀 and tried their luck!
The lesson examined the skills you need to learn new things, like being willing to take a risk and having the ability to listen to others. In one exercise, students had to draw an item with the eyes closed as described to them by a partner. So fun and informative! The lesson was created by members of the Laker Leadership Council.

Wednesday March 13th is the next Lake Effect Day!
The lesson takes a look at the skills you need to learn new things (like riding a backward bicycle). So wear GREEN for luck🍀 and adjust your sails to try something new. 
The lesson was inspired by Jacob Freyhof, Tommy Jones, and Colten Corcoran.

Lakers showed their appreciation for each other with several affectionate gestures this Valentines Day/Lake Effect Day!
Several clubs at ILHS passed out candy and Valentines cards. Emotional support dog Sadie made a special trip to each class and gave out her own "pawsitive" messages.
At ILMS, the Kindness Club handed out Little Debbie heart cakes at lunch time.
Finally, the district Lake Effect Day lesson centered around showing others you care. Classes used a game of charades to demonstrate ways kids appropriately show love and kindness to loved ones.

The next Lake Effect Day is Valentines Day, Wednesday, February 14th!
The theme is to show others you care. The lesson has students using charades to demonstrate how people can show others they care. Wear pink or red to show that you care about others!!

Lakers considered perspective during recent Lake Effect exercises. They watched a video that focused on how we can control some things, but not all things. So how we adjust our sails to have perspective is critical to getting the outcome we want and improve empathy? The lesson sparked much talk about privilege and how we see others through our own lens.
The next Lake Effect Day will be in February.

The next Lake Effect Day is Wednesday, January 10th!
The theme is to "Adjust your sails with perspective." Often, how we see things is wrong, and those assumptions can lead to poor outcomes. Wear some funny glasses or sunglasses on Wednesday and learn the habits needed to grow your perspective and adjust your sails. 

The December Lake Effect lesson focused on communication! Students in middle and high school received a prompt in an email and had to craft a response. Some of the prompts were caring, others accusatory. The students had to decide how they were going to respond in an effort to get their point across, and in some cases, diffuse a situation. The point of the exercise was to understand the importance of disciplined communication and how it impacts our interactions with others.
In short, your words matter--use them thoughtfully and intentionally

Wednesday, December 13th is the next Lake Effect Day! Students will be concentrating on communication. Staff and students are asked to wear their Above the Line shirt or any Laker gear.

Lakers learned to give and receive compliments during the latest Lake Effect Day!
November is the time of year when there are lots of parties and celebrations. It is also the time of year when people can feel lonely and need a boost.
Once upon a time, people believed that wearing a cone on your head would help to funnel knowledge into your brain and help you learn. We now know how ridiculous that is, so instead Laker students made blank party hats into compliment cards. Students put their name on their hat, then passed it around to each person in their Laker time to add a nice comment. Then they read the comments and wore the hats!
Every month, Indian Lake holds a Lake Effect Day with a lesson to bolster social emotion learning and the R-Factor!

Lake Effect Day
The first Lake Effect Day lesson of the year taught students the meaning behind this year's R-Factor theme, Adjust the Sails! The phrase is a metaphor for continuing on your own course for success despite outside influences and events that you cannot control.
The lesson included a video on how sailors actually adjust the sails on a boat to continue toward their destination, factoring in the wind, current and more.
Then students played a game where they had to come up with solutions to common daily problems, such as "your computer crashes while doing an important assignment." They worked in teams to find ways to get around the roadblocks and still achieve their goals. By all accounts, it was a practical life lesson!
Lake Effect Days feature a special teaching period for students in all grade levels to focus on the principles of E+R=O; how I React to Events in my life determines the Outcome.
Students are encouraged to wear their Above the Line shirt OR to participate in the theme days that will be announced for each Lake Effect Day this year.