After careful thought and community input, the Indian Lake High School Vietnam Veteran Memorial is in a new location.
The memorial bricks have been moved from the ILHS courtyard to a display case outside the ILHS Main Gym. In addition, we added photos of each veteran.
Nearly all other veteran memorials and patriotic displays are now in one space on either side of the Indian Lake Schools History Center, with the exception of one permanent marker that remains in the courtyard. This new display is in a much more visible location that is simple to maintain.
Thank you to everyone who made suggestions concerning the memorial. It is our hope that this arrangement pays homage to the original design of the courtyard memorial by keeping the marble bricks. Most importantly, we continue to honor the sacrifice that Herbert Bechtel, Duane Davis, James Early, Randall Krueger, Lynn Ferguson, Stephen Mueller, Terry Timms, Jerry Young and Steven Zimmerman made for our country.