ILHS Drivers Education Now Rolling!

ILHS Drivers Education Now Rolling!
Posted on 11/04/2024
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Drivers Education classes are rolling at Indian Lake Schools this fall!

Earlier this year, the Indian Lake Board of Education authorized an agreement with the Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center Driving School to offer a course through Indian Lake High School. Students are required to complete a 24-hour online course and eight hours of behind-the-wheel training. 

Many years ago, it was standard for school districts to offer drivers education. However, private companies began to take over the market a few decades ago. Indian Lake Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood explains why the district decided to offer drivers ed at this time. 

“There are only a few choices of driving schools in our rural area. Students report that it’s often too expensive or too difficult to complete the requirements when they are involved in extracurricular activities. So we thought, let’s find a way to make this important right of passage more attainable for our young people.”

Teacher Mr. Richard Yocum facilitates Drivers Education at ILHS. He says the program is a great advantage for local students. 

“You know we are right here. It’s very convenient for the families.” He continued, “It’s important to get these kids out in the workforce and, really, wherever they need to go. I think it’s easier for their parents, too.”

While Mr. Yocum can help with the online course sign up and scheduling, Indian Lake Bus Driver Lynn Snipes and ILES aide Susie Grant are the certified IL Driving Instructors. They work with students who are ready to get on the road. Using a new Honda Civic sedan, that Indian Lake Schools purchased using grant money, the instructors spend after school hours making their way through maneuverability cones and out on local highways.  

Snipes says, “So far all the students have been really good, really skilled. It’s the impatient seasoned drivers out there that we have to watch out for sometimes.” 

Already, about 15 local students are making their way through the course and (at print time) one student had received her driver’s license. The cost is $350 for the entire course or $300 for driving only if your student has already completed coursework elsewhere. 

If you are interested in signing up a student for Drivers Education at Indian Lake High School, please contact Mr. Richard Yocum at [email protected] and check out